The Great WWW Re-Org

During yesterday’s SquirrelMail migration I re-remembered that you can’t use multiple SSL certificates for different Apache NameVirtualHosts. This has put the kibosh on my plan to split all the web services out to different DNS hostnames — everything’s gotta move back under www.

So far that will probably only affect the Photo Gallery, the Kid Amnesiac blog and the new home page (i.e. the new apps I’ve implemented since the rebuild). SquirrelMail went under www where it needed to be since I discovered the problem while migrating it yesterday.

The new structure will look something like this:

  • (Home Page)
  • (Photo Gallery)
  •<blogname> (Blogs)
  • (Web Mail)
  •<username>/ (User Home Pages)

I’ll try to schedule the change for tonight. Please let me know if you have any questions.

UPDATE 1/10/2008:

Last night’s migrations ended up being a bit more complicated than I thought. After a bit of pain Gallery and the home page have been migrated. The Kid Amnesiac blog will have to wait for tonight.

UPDATE 1/11/2008:

Last night’s Kid Amnesiac migration didn’t go as expected either — Jessica told me she’d break my face if I moved the blog URL again.  So instead I just moved it off of the Debian wordpress package and onto a clean copy of 2.3.2 and left the URL intact.  There was some database pain involving character codes from where blog entries had been copied in from Microsoft Word, but that appears to be fixed now.  I also decided to move the home page out of /home and into the root — much easier to do know that I know how to separate out the index.php file from the rest of the WordPress installation.

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